Are there examples of how to use EvalMultMany()

I tried to run the following code to multiply 16 ciphertexts with slot=32768 ,all 1 elements
But report an error

interrupted by signal 11:SIGSEGV

    vector<double> filterResult(slot, 1.0);
    vector<Ciphertext<DCRTPoly>> many(16);
    auto filterResultPlain = cc->MakeCKKSPackedPlaintext(filterResult);
    auto filterResultCipher = cc->Encrypt(keys.publicKey, filterResultPlain);
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    auto resultCipher = cc->EvalMultMany(many);
    time = TOC(t);
    Plaintext resultPlain;
    cc->Decrypt(keys.secretKey, resultCipher, &resultPlain);
    cout << "result Plain" << resultPlain << "time is" << time << endl;

There is an issue with your code.

Replace vector<Ciphertext<DCRTPoly>> many(16); with
vector<Ciphertext<DCRTPoly>> many; and it should work.

The issue is that you created 16 uninitialized ciphertexts, which is causing a segmentation fault.