BV KeySwitch result error for digitSize >= 32

How to reproduce:

Configure examples/simple-integers-bgvrns with parameters.SetKeySwitchTechnique(BV); and parameters.SetDigitSize(32);, and the result would be

#1 + #2 + #3: ( 5 6 9 10 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 ... 
#1 * #2 * #3: ( -24019 19556 19948 26485 23230 27308 

This is not the result of noise overflow, but the result of integer overflow in ubintnat.cpp

// src/core/include/lattice/hal/default/poly-impl.h
xDigit.SetValues(x.GetValues().GetDigitAtIndexForBase(i + 1, 1 << baseBits), x.GetFormat());
// src/core/include/math/hal/intnat/ubintnat.h
usint GetDigitAtIndexForBase(usint index, usint base) const;

Note that 1 is by default int32 and usint is also u32, so 1 << 32 will overflow. The problem is that GetDigitAtIndexForBase should return uint64_t instead of usint. Or we should forbid the user from using digitSize >= 32 when validating cryptoparams (however, for digitSize = 0, base = qi, but log(qi) is often larger than 32 only allowing digitSize in (0, 31] or log(qi) is quite wierd).

The following patch (neglected other function signature changes of other headers) would fix the case for digitSize = 32, but fixes for digitSize > 32 would require an global API change for GetDigitAtIndexForBase.

--- a/src/core/include/lattice/hal/default/poly-impl.h
+++ b/src/core/include/lattice/hal/default/poly-impl.h
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ std::vector<PolyImpl<VecType>> PolyImpl<VecType>::BaseDecompose(usint baseBits,

     // TP: x is same for BACKEND 2 and 6
     for (usint i = 0; i < nWindows; ++i) {
-        xDigit.SetValues(x.GetValues().GetDigitAtIndexForBase(i + 1, 1 << baseBits), x.GetFormat());
+        xDigit.SetValues(x.GetValues().GetDigitAtIndexForBase(i + 1, ((uint64_t)1) << baseBits), x.GetFormat());

--- a/src/core/include/math/hal/intnat/ubintnat.h
+++ b/src/core/include/math/hal/intnat/ubintnat.h
@@ -1723,12 +1723,12 @@ public:

     // TODO: * i to << i
-    usint GetDigitAtIndexForBase(usint index, usint base) const {
+    usint GetDigitAtIndexForBase(usint index, uint64_t base) const {
         usint DigitLen = ceil(log2(base));
-        usint digit    = 0;
+        uint64_t digit   = 0;
         usint newIndex = 1 + (index - 1) * DigitLen;
-        for (usint i = 1; i < base; i <<= 1) {
-            digit += GetBitAtIndex(newIndex++) * i;
+        for (uint64_t i = 1; i < base; i <<= 1) {
+            digit += ((uint64_t)GetBitAtIndex(newIndex++)) * i;
         return digit;

Hi @zenithal,

Thank you for reporting it. I would like to point out that this setting is not recommended for practical efficiency reasons. The size of moduli in BGV (or any other SIMD scheme) is at most 60 bits. So the highest digit size (i.e., the second level of digit decomposition after the RNS decomposition) that makes sense for BV key switching in practice is 30. If a higher value is used, it just means that the noise of BV key switching will be higher w/o improving the performance (actually it will get worse because higher noise implies larger ciphertext modulus).

I added an issue to add error handling for digit size \ge 32: Throw an exception when the BV key switching digit size is 32 or higher · Issue #891 · openfheorg/openfhe-development · GitHub

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