Changing ring Dimension


So I need to change the ring dimension to test the performance I can get in my algorithms relative to the security level. But I can’t find where in the source code the decision for the ring dimension is made.

Can someone point out where the selection is made and if there are any functions I can call to change when creating the crypto context?

I have found where the standard parameter values are (github link) and also found the factory for the element parameters (github link). If I can’t find any way to do it with OpenFHE functions, should I do it in one of these files?

If you want to set the ring dimension for a power-of-2 value of your choice, you can do the following.

CCParams<CryptoContextXXXXXXX> parameters; // use the relevant cryptocontext parameters
parameters.SetSecurityLevel(HEStd_NotSet); // disable security
parameters.SetRingDim( yourRingDimValue ); // a power of 2 integer

Note that we do not recommend this hack, as sufficient security may not be achieved. Use it at your own risk.

Thank you so much, I’m using this for testing purposes in my thesis :slight_smile: