Hello, I am learning the rotation operation EvalRotate in the library. To understand the steps in this operation in more detail, I follow the steps of EvalRotate in my main function.
EvalRotate performs automorphism after key-switching.
[As shown in step 8. In the following code]
I try to perform the automorphism operation before performing the key-switching operation
[As shown in step 4. In the following code],
and I got the message:
[terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘lbcrypto::math_error’ what(): E:/openfhe-development/src/pke/lib/encoding/ckkspackedencoding.cpp:535 The decryption failed because the approximation error is too high. Check the parameters.]
Automorphism is the mapping of values in the slot, so why would automorphism after key switching cause too much noise? Does performing automorphism before and after key-switching result in different noise scales?
Here is the code:
#include “openfhe.h”
using namespace lbcrypto;
std::shared_ptr<std::vector> EvalFastKeySwitchCoreExt(
const std::shared_ptr<std::vector> digits,
const EvalKey evalKey,
const std::shared_ptrlbcrypto::M4DCRTParams paramsQl);
int main() {
uint32_t batchSize = 8;
CCParams<CryptoContextCKKSRNS> parameters;
uint32_t dnum = 2;
CryptoContext<DCRTPoly> cc = GenCryptoContext(parameters);
std::cout << "CKKS scheme is using ring dimension " << cc->GetRingDimension() << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "CKKS scheme is using modulus " << cc->GetModulus() << std::endl << std::endl;
const auto cryptoParamsCKKS = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CryptoParametersCKKSRNS>(cc->GetCryptoParameters());
auto paramsQ = cc->GetElementParams()->GetParams();
std::cout << "\nModuli in Q:" << std::endl;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < paramsQ.size(); i++) {
// q0 is a bit larger because its default size is 60 bits.
// One can change this by supplying the firstModSize argument
// in genCryptoContextCKKS.
std::cout << "q" << i << ": " << paramsQ[i]->GetModulus() << std::endl;
auto paramsQP = cryptoParamsCKKS->GetParamsQP();
std::cout << "Moduli in P: " << std::endl;
BigInteger P = BigInteger(1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < paramsQP->GetParams().size(); i++) {
if (i >= paramsQ.size()) {
P = P * BigInteger(paramsQP->GetParams()[i]->GetModulus());
std::cout << "p" << i - paramsQ.size() << ": "
<< paramsQP->GetParams()[i]->GetModulus() << std::endl;
auto QBitLength = cc->GetModulus().GetLengthForBase(2);
auto PBitLength = P.GetLengthForBase(2);
std::cout << "\nQ = " << cc->GetModulus() << " (bit length: " << QBitLength
<< ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << "P = " << P << " (bit length: " << PBitLength << ")"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Total bit-length of ciphertext modulus: "
<< QBitLength + PBitLength << std::endl;
std::cout << "Given this ciphertext modulus, a ring dimension of "
<< cc->GetRingDimension() << " gives us 128-bit security."
<< std::endl;
auto keys = cc->KeyGen();
cc->EvalRotateKeyGen(keys.secretKey, {1, -2});
// Encoding and encryption of inputs
// Inputs
std::vector<double> x1 = {0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
std::vector<double> x2 = {5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25};
// Encoding as plaintexts
Plaintext ptxt1 = cc->MakeCKKSPackedPlaintext(x1);
Plaintext ptxt2 = cc->MakeCKKSPackedPlaintext(x2);
std::cout << "Input x1: " << ptxt1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "Input x2: " << ptxt2 << std::endl;
// Encrypt the encoded vectors
auto c1 = cc->Encrypt(keys.publicKey, ptxt1);
auto c2 = cc->Encrypt(keys.publicKey, ptxt2);
// Homomorphic rotations
auto cRot1 = cc->EvalRotate(c1, 1);
auto ctest = c1; // ciphertext
int32_t index = -2;
// 1. EvalRotate(ConstCiphertext<Element> ciphertext, int32_t index)
auto evalKeyMap = CryptoContextImpl<DCRTPoly>::GetEvalAutomorphismKeyMap(ctest->GetKeyTag());
// 2. return GetScheme()->EvalAtIndex(ciphertext ctest, int32_t index, const std::map<usint, EvalKey<Element>>& evalKeyMap);
usint M = ctest->GetCryptoParameters()->GetElementParams()->GetCyclotomicOrder();
uint32_t autoIndex = FindAutomorphismIndex2nComplex(index, M);
// 3. EvalAutomorphism(ciphertext, autoIndex, evalKeyMap);
auto evalKeyIterator = evalKeyMap.find(autoIndex);
const std::vector<DCRTPoly>& cv = ctest->GetElements();
usint N = cv[0].GetRingDimension();
std::vector<usint> vec(N);
PrecomputeAutoMap(N, autoIndex, &vec);
auto algo = ctest->GetCryptoContext()->GetScheme(); // cc->GetScheme()
Ciphertext<DCRTPoly> c1_clone = ctest->Clone();
auto evalKey = evalKeyIterator->second;
std::vector<DCRTPoly>& cv_clone = c1_clone->GetElements();
// 4. AutomorphismTransform before keyswitching
cv_clone[0] = cv_clone[0].AutomorphismTransform(autoIndex, vec);
cv_clone[1] = cv_clone[1].AutomorphismTransform(autoIndex, vec);
/* std::shared_ptr<std::vector<DCRTPoly>> ba = (cv_clone.size() == 2) ? KeySwitchCore(cv_clone[1], evalKeyIterator->second) : KeySwitchCore(cv_clone[2], evalKeyIterator->second);
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<DCRTPoly>> KeySwitchHYBRID::KeySwitchCore(const DCRTPoly& a, const EvalKey<DCRTPoly> evalKey)
// 5. EvalKeySwitchPrecomputeCore(cv_clone[1], evalKeyIterator->second->GetCryptoParameters())
const auto cryptoParams = cryptoParamsCKKS;//std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CryptoParametersRNS>(evalKeyIterator->second->GetCryptoParameters());
const auto paramsQl = cv_clone[1].GetParams(); //const std::shared_ptr<ParmType> paramsQl = cv_clone[1].GetParams();
const auto paramsP = cryptoParams->GetParamsP(); //const std::shared_ptr<ParmType> paramsP = cryptoParams->GetParamsP();
const auto paramsQlP = cv_clone[1].GetExtendedCRTBasis(paramsP); //const std::shared_ptr<ParmType> paramsQlP = cv_clone[1].GetExtendedCRTBasis(paramsP);
size_t sizeQl = paramsQl->GetParams().size();
size_t sizeP = paramsP->GetParams().size();
size_t sizeQlP = sizeQl + sizeP;
uint32_t alpha = cryptoParams->GetNumPerPartQ();
uint32_t numPartQl = ceil((static_cast<double>(sizeQl)) / alpha);
if (numPartQl > cryptoParams->GetNumberOfQPartitions())
numPartQl = cryptoParams->GetNumberOfQPartitions();
std::vector<DCRTPoly> partsCt(numPartQl);
for (uint32_t part = 0; part < numPartQl; part++) {
if (part == numPartQl - 1) {
auto paramsPartQ = cryptoParams->GetParamsPartQ(part);
uint32_t sizePartQl = sizeQl - alpha * part;
std::vector<NativeInteger> moduli(sizePartQl);
std::vector<NativeInteger> roots(sizePartQl);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizePartQl; i++) {
moduli[i] = paramsPartQ->GetParams()[i]->GetModulus();
roots[i] = paramsPartQ->GetParams()[i]->GetRootOfUnity();
auto params = DCRTPoly::Params(paramsPartQ->GetCyclotomicOrder(), moduli, roots);
partsCt[part] = DCRTPoly(std::make_shared<lbcrypto::M4DCRTParams>(params), Format::EVALUATION, true);
else {
partsCt[part] = DCRTPoly(cryptoParams->GetParamsPartQ(part), Format::EVALUATION, true);
usint sizePartQl = partsCt[part].GetNumOfElements();
usint startPartIdx = alpha * part; // split
for (uint32_t i = 0, idx = startPartIdx; i < sizePartQl; i++, idx++) {
partsCt[part].SetElementAtIndex(i, cv_clone[1].GetElementAtIndex(idx));
std::cout << "Digit " << part << " has " << sizePartQl << " sub-moduli." << std::endl;
std::vector<DCRTPoly> partsCtCompl(numPartQl);
std::vector<DCRTPoly> partsCtExt(numPartQl);
for (uint32_t part = 0; part < numPartQl; part++) {
auto partCtClone = partsCt[part].Clone();
uint32_t sizePartQl = partsCt[part].GetNumOfElements();
partsCtCompl[part] = partCtClone.ApproxSwitchCRTBasis(
cryptoParams->GetParamsComplPartQ(sizeQl - 1, part),
cryptoParams->GetPartQlHatInvModq(part, sizePartQl - 1),
cryptoParams->GetPartQlHatInvModqPrecon(part, sizePartQl - 1),
cryptoParams->GetPartQlHatModp(sizeQl - 1, part),
cryptoParams->GetmodComplPartqBarrettMu(sizeQl - 1, part)
partsCtExt[part] = DCRTPoly(paramsQlP, Format::EVALUATION, true);
usint startPartIdx = alpha * part;
usint endPartIdx = startPartIdx + sizePartQl;
for (usint i = 0; i < startPartIdx; i++) {
partsCtExt[part].SetElementAtIndex(i, partsCtCompl[part].GetElementAtIndex(i));
for (usint i = startPartIdx, idx = 0; i < endPartIdx; i++, idx++) {
partsCtExt[part].SetElementAtIndex(i, partsCt[part].GetElementAtIndex(idx));
for (usint i = endPartIdx; i < sizeQlP; ++i) {
partsCtExt[part].SetElementAtIndex(i, partsCtCompl[part].GetElementAtIndex(i - sizePartQl));
auto otherdigit = cryptoParams->GetParamsComplPartQ(sizeQl - 1, part);
auto qhatinv = cryptoParams->GetPartQlHatInvModq(part, sizePartQl - 1);
auto qhatmodp = cryptoParams->GetPartQlHatModp(sizeQl - 1, part);
std::cout << "digit " << part << " 's qhatinv"<< std::endl;
for (usint i=0; i<sizePartQl; i++){
std::cout << "-------------- Start of qhatinv --------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "qhatinv(" << i << ") = " << qhatinv[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "qhat(" << i << ") mod other digits' or P's sub moduli : " << std::endl;
for (usint j=0; j < otherdigit->GetParams().size(); j++){
std::cout << qhatmodp[i][j] << std::endl;
std::cout << "-------------- End of qhatmodp --------------" << std::endl;
// 6. EvalFastKeySwitchCore(std::make_shared<std::vector<DCRTPoly>>(std::move(partsCtExt)), evalKeyIterator->second, cv_clone[1].GetParams());
// 6-1. EvalFastKeySwitchCoreExt(digits, evalKey, paramsQl); // Responsible for Inner Product
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<DCRTPoly>> cTilda = EvalFastKeySwitchCoreExt(std::make_shared<std::vector<DCRTPoly>>(std::move(partsCtExt)), evalKey, cv_clone[1].GetParams());
// 6-2. ModDown
DCRTPoly ct0 = (*cTilda)[0].ApproxModDown( paramsQl,
DCRTPoly ct1 = (*cTilda)[1].ApproxModDown( paramsQl,
cryptoParams->GetPInvModqPrecon(), // 没用到
cryptoParams->GetPHatInvModpPrecon(), // 没用到
cryptoParams->GettInvModp(), // 没用到
cryptoParams->GettInvModpPrecon(), // 没用到
0, // =0, 用不上
cryptoParams->GettModqPrecon() // 没用到
// 7. c0+c0', c1+c1'
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<DCRTPoly>> ba = std::make_shared<std::vector<DCRTPoly>>(std::initializer_list<DCRTPoly>{std::move(ct0), std::move(ct1)});
cv_clone[0] += (*ba)[0];
if (cv_clone.size() > 2) {
cv_clone[1] += (*ba)[1];
else {
cv_clone[1] = (*ba)[1];
// 8. AutomorphismTransform after keyswitching
// std::vector<DCRTPoly>& rcv = c1_clone->GetElements();
// rcv[0] = rcv[0].AutomorphismTransform(autoIndex, vec);
// rcv[1] = rcv[1].AutomorphismTransform(autoIndex, vec);
Plaintext result;
cc->Decrypt(keys.secretKey, cRot1, &result);
std::cout << std::endl << "In rotations, very small outputs (~10^-10 here) correspond to 0's:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "x1 rotate by 1 = " << result << std::endl;
cc->Decrypt(keys.secretKey, c1_clone, &result);
std::cout << std::endl << "My Result is " << std::endl;
std::cout << "x1 rotate by 1 = " << result << std::endl;
return 0;
std::shared_ptr<std::vector> EvalFastKeySwitchCoreExt(
const std::shared_ptr<std::vector> digits,
const EvalKey evalKey,
const std::shared_ptrlbcrypto::M4DCRTParams paramsQl){
const auto cryptoParams = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CryptoParametersRNS>(evalKey->GetCryptoParameters());
// original params. No matter which level. evalKey always carry the original params.
const std::vector<DCRTPoly>& bv = evalKey->GetBVector(); // keyB
const std::vector<DCRTPoly>& av = evalKey->GetAVector(); // keyA
const std::shared_ptr<lbcrypto::M4DCRTParams> paramsP = cryptoParams->GetParamsP();
// gets from original params. Since P will never change.
const std::shared_ptr<lbcrypto::M4DCRTParams> paramsQlP = (*digits)[0].GetParams();
// get current params Ql+P. *digits[0] is digit0 Poly (a DCRTPoly). inside of it, each element is a respoly (q_0...q_l,p_0,...p_{alpha-1}).
size_t sizeQl = paramsQl->GetParams().size();
// get current params Ql'size(). Get (l+1)
size_t sizeQlP = paramsQlP->GetParams().size();
// Get (l+1)+alpha
size_t sizeQ = cryptoParams->GetElementParams()->GetParams().size();
// Get original size QL = L+1? Used to locate P's index.
DCRTPoly cTilda0(paramsQlP, Format::EVALUATION, true); // Inner Product = evkA*d2
DCRTPoly cTilda1(paramsQlP, Format::EVALUATION, true); // Inner Product = evkB*d2
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < digits->size(); j++) { // j = 0 -> (beta-1). representing digit0 to digit(beta-1).
const DCRTPoly& cj = (*digits)[j]; // cj = (*digits)[j] is digitj Poly. d_{2,j}^{(q_0~q_l, p_0~p_{alpha-1})}
const DCRTPoly& bj = bv[j]; // bj = evkb_{j}^{(q_0~q_L, p_0~p_{alpha-1})}
const DCRTPoly& aj = av[j]; // aj = evka_{j}^{(q_0~q_L, p_0~p_{alpha-1})}
for (usint i = 0; i < sizeQl; i++) {
const auto& cji = cj.GetElementAtIndex(i); // cji = d_{2,j}^{(q_i)}
const auto& aji = aj.GetElementAtIndex(i); // aji = evka_{j}^{(q_i)}
const auto& bji = bj.GetElementAtIndex(i); // bji = evkb_{j}^{(q_i)}
cTilda0.SetElementAtIndex(i, cTilda0.GetElementAtIndex(i) + cji * bji); // ct0^{(q_i)} = sum_{j=0}^{beta-1} ( d_{2,j}^{(q_i)} * evkb_{j}^{(q_i)} ) mod q_i
cTilda1.SetElementAtIndex(i, cTilda1.GetElementAtIndex(i) + cji * aji); // ct1^{(q_i)} = sum_{j=0}^{beta-1} ( d_{2,j}^{(q_i)} * evka_{j}^{(q_i)} ) mod q_i
} // for specific index j, now we get d_{2,j} * evka_j/evkb_j contribution to ct0 and ct1. @ q0~ql
for (usint i = sizeQl, idx = sizeQ; i < sizeQlP; i++, idx++) { // @ P's sub-moduli.
const auto& cji = cj.GetElementAtIndex(i); // cji = d_{2,j}^{ ( p_{i-sizeQl} ) }
const auto& aji = aj.GetElementAtIndex(idx);// aji = evka_j^{ ( p_{idx - (L+1)} ) }
const auto& bji = bj.GetElementAtIndex(idx);// bji = evkb_j^{ ( p_{idx - (L+1)} ) }
cTilda0.SetElementAtIndex(i, cTilda0.GetElementAtIndex(i) + cji * bji);
cTilda1.SetElementAtIndex(i, cTilda1.GetElementAtIndex(i) + cji * aji);
} // for specific index j, now we get d_{2,j} * evka_j/evkb_j contribution to ct0 and ct1. @ p0~p_{alpha-1}
} // After all j, we get the Inner Product Results : ct0 and ct1 @ q_0~q_l and p_0~p_{alpha-1}.
return std::make_shared<std::vector<DCRTPoly>>(
std::initializer_list<DCRTPoly>{std::move(cTilda0), std::move(cTilda1)});