CKKS RNS: Encoding to Encription limbs, are independents?


I was reading some papers of the topic to understand better the implementation of OpenFHE CKKS and I have one doubt about RNS.
I have an encoding that will be represented as a polynomial of integer coefficients that probably are greater than 60 bits. So we use RNS to split that single polynomial to multiple ones with integers of 60 or less bits.
When we encrypt the original encoding without RNS we get two polynomials of integers greater than 60 bits.
So when we do it in the RNS way, each limb is encrypted independently from the others limbs? Or all the encodings limbs are encrypted together.

I don’t know if I’m clear of what I’m asking


The RNS polynomial is treated as one unit. So encryption will use the whole RNS polynomial of the encoded message as one unit and calculate an encryption of it.
I suggest you read this thread to get a better understanding of RNS and DCRT polynomial representations in OpenFHE.