How to get single elements out of an encrypted vector?

Hi all,

for my Master’s Thesis i need to make computations with single elements out of a ciphertext vector. The plain vector and its encryption maybe looks like this:

vector<double> reals = {52.5152, 13.6039, 4798.4587};
auto ct = serverCC->Encrypt(serverPublicKey, serverCC->MakeCKKSPackedPlaintext(reals));

So the question is: How can i get an element out of ct , for example reals[1] (which is 13.6039)? Can I do some kind of serialization of the vector to get all elements in encrypted form? I need to make calculations with single elements of an encrypted vector because they are used as inputs for some function evaluations.

Thanks in advance for your help! =)

Please see this thread How can we access an element of an encrypted vector?.