Logistic regression, Federated Learning, Homomorphic encryption

I was working on replicating this Repo, using openfhe in logistic regression to encrypt and decrypt weights and am facing difficulties in doing so in kaggle. I am facing permission issues, and also this error

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openfhe/__init__.py:1
----> 1 from .openfhe import *

ImportError: libOPENFHEpke.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 

Can anyone help me in replicating the given notebook?

the use of library was done in 23rd cell

from openfhe_lib.ckks.openFHE import * 

# === Generate Key-pairs of CKKS Context ===

In cell 24th
encrypt_weights(model_params, self.enc_file) in encrypted_model_params and decrypt_weights("/enc_aggregator_weight_server.txt") in decrypted_model_params

@Ashuradhipathi You should follow these installation instructions. The same instructions mention 2 environment variables you should also set: PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.