Precision problems with approximations under CKKS

Hi there,

I’m implementing an algorithm in CKKS. The algorithm involves the sequential evaluation of several non-polynomial functions.
For this reason I use EvalChebyshevFunction along with bootstrapping every time I run out of usable levels.
However, I encountered a situation in which - even by having enough available levels to perform the Chebyshev evaluation - the result is completely messed up.
I am attaching a minimal script to reproduce my problem. I think it is a precision problem.
I know I can fix the code below by using more dcrtBits, a lower approximation degree, or by using iterative bootstrapping. Unfortunately, despite all these adjustments, I have a similar problem in my algorithm.

Can anyone hint me in the right direction?

#include "openfhe.h"
using namespace lbcrypto;

usint depth;
void log(lbcrypto::KeyPair<lbcrypto::DCRTPoly> keyPair, const std::string& s, 
const lbcrypto::Ciphertext<lbcrypto::DCRTPoly> cipher, const size_t numSlots) {
  Plaintext result;
  std::cerr<<s<<std::endl<<"remaining level:"<<(depth - cipher->GetLevel() - (cipher->GetNoiseScaleDeg()-1))<<std::endl;
  cipher->GetCryptoContext()->Decrypt(keyPair.secretKey, cipher, &result);
  std::cerr<< result<<std::endl<< std::endl;

int main() {
  std::vector<double> values  = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 };
  usint numSlots = values.size();

  CCParams<CryptoContextCKKSRNS> parameters;
  SecretKeyDist secretKeyDist = UNIFORM_TERNARY;


  ScalingTechnique rescaleTech = FLEXIBLEAUTO;
  usint dcrtBits               = 52;
  usint firstMod               = 60;



  std::vector<uint32_t> levelBudget = {4, 4};

  uint32_t levelsAvailableAfterBootstrap = 37;
  depth = levelsAvailableAfterBootstrap + FHECKKSRNS::GetBootstrapDepth(levelBudget, secretKeyDist);

  CryptoContext<DCRTPoly> cryptoContext = GenCryptoContext(parameters);


  usint ringDim = cryptoContext->GetRingDimension();
  std::cout << "CKKS scheme is using ring dimension " << ringDim << std::endl<< depth << std::endl;

  const std::vector<usint> bsgsDim = {0, 0};
  cryptoContext->EvalBootstrapSetup(levelBudget, bsgsDim, numSlots);

  auto keyPair = cryptoContext->KeyGen();
  cryptoContext->EvalBootstrapKeyGen(keyPair.secretKey, numSlots);

  Plaintext plaintext = cryptoContext->MakeCKKSPackedPlaintext(values,1,29,nullptr, numSlots);
  auto cipher = cryptoContext->Encrypt(keyPair.publicKey, plaintext);
  log(keyPair,"=======Input======", cipher, numSlots);

  cipher = cryptoContext->EvalBootstrap(cipher);
  log(keyPair,"=======After Bootstrap======", cipher, numSlots);

  auto fn = [](double x) -> double { 
          if      (x > 0.00001)   return .5;
          else                    return 0;
  cipher = cryptoContext->EvalChebyshevFunction(
  log(keyPair,"=======First EvalChebyshevFunction======", cipher, numSlots);

  cipher = cryptoContext->EvalChebyshevFunction(
  log(keyPair,"=======Second EvalChebyshevFunction======", cipher, numSlots);
  return 0;

This is my output:

CKKS scheme is using ring dimension 8192
remaining level:30
logstd= 7.57681 > 47  (stddev) 190.919
(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -2.56323e-13, 1.0586e-13, -6.29496e-14,  2.42223e-13, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,  ... ); Estimated precision: 41 bits

=======After Bootstrap======
remaining level:37
logstd= 34.6272 > 47  (stddev) 2.65358e+10
(-0.500091, -0.500057, -0.500078, -0.50001, -1.73649e-05, 2.52282e-05, -8.12387e-05, -1.41845e-05, 0.100004, 0.099962, 0.0999808, 0.0999734, 0.500043, 0.500054, 0.500038, 0.499977,  ... ); Estimated precision: 14 bits

=======First EvalChebyshevFunction======
remaining level:26
logstd= 41.8902 > 47  (stddev) 4.07581e+12
(0.000188768, 0.00399775, 0.00470639, -0.0069619, 0.240097, 0.262608, 0.243547, 0.249906, 0.512721, 0.502465, 0.503065, 0.504301, 0.49773, 0.507258, 0.503919, 0.501146,  ... ); Estimated precision: 7 bits

=======Second EvalChebyshevFunction======
remaining level:15
logstd= 152.012 > 47  (stddev) 5.75654e+45
(2.186e+30, -2.1376e+30, 3.3977e+30, -7.37699e+30, 1.94446e+31, 7.03397e+30, 1.33626e+31, -8.6772e+30, 1.60981e+31, 5.35571e+30, 1.27029e+30, 8.23277e+30, 3.66217e+30, -1.24086e+31, -6.18034e+30, 3.32868e+30,  ... ); Estimated precision: -103 bits

One potential reason for the behavior you observe is that at least one value after first Chebyshev evaluation goes outside the range of [-1,1]. Here is why it can happen. As far as I can see, you have a number of values in the input to first Chebyshev evaluation that are very close to 0, which are bad inputs for a Chebyshev approximation of the sign (discontinuous) function. When values that are very close to 0 are supplied, the result can be very inaccurate (easily going outside the range of [-1,1]). In summary, one should not use a polynomial approximation of sign for values that are approximately zero, i.e., in the discontinuous region.

But if I remove the bootstrapping at the beginning, the code works fine… Is it possible that this problem is more related to precision?
Thank you for your response!

It could be both. For instance, if you try to run Chebyshev interpolation few more times, you may run into the same issue (even w/o bootstrapping). In general, one cannot expect good accuracy from Chebyshev approximation in the proximity of singular points.