Hi there,
I’m implementing an algorithm in CKKS. The algorithm involves the sequential evaluation of several non-polynomial functions.
For this reason I use EvalChebyshevFunction along with bootstrapping every time I run out of usable levels.
However, I encountered a situation in which - even by having enough available levels to perform the Chebyshev evaluation - the result is completely messed up.
I am attaching a minimal script to reproduce my problem. I think it is a precision problem.
I know I can fix the code below by using more dcrtBits, a lower approximation degree, or by using iterative bootstrapping. Unfortunately, despite all these adjustments, I have a similar problem in my algorithm.
Can anyone hint me in the right direction?
#include "openfhe.h"
using namespace lbcrypto;
usint depth;
void log(lbcrypto::KeyPair<lbcrypto::DCRTPoly> keyPair, const std::string& s,
const lbcrypto::Ciphertext<lbcrypto::DCRTPoly> cipher, const size_t numSlots) {
Plaintext result;
std::cerr<<s<<std::endl<<"remaining level:"<<(depth - cipher->GetLevel() - (cipher->GetNoiseScaleDeg()-1))<<std::endl;
cipher->GetCryptoContext()->Decrypt(keyPair.secretKey, cipher, &result);
std::cerr<< result<<std::endl<< std::endl;
int main() {
std::vector<double> values = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 };
usint numSlots = values.size();
CCParams<CryptoContextCKKSRNS> parameters;
SecretKeyDist secretKeyDist = UNIFORM_TERNARY;
ScalingTechnique rescaleTech = FLEXIBLEAUTO;
usint dcrtBits = 52;
usint firstMod = 60;
std::vector<uint32_t> levelBudget = {4, 4};
uint32_t levelsAvailableAfterBootstrap = 37;
depth = levelsAvailableAfterBootstrap + FHECKKSRNS::GetBootstrapDepth(levelBudget, secretKeyDist);
CryptoContext<DCRTPoly> cryptoContext = GenCryptoContext(parameters);
usint ringDim = cryptoContext->GetRingDimension();
std::cout << "CKKS scheme is using ring dimension " << ringDim << std::endl<< depth << std::endl;
const std::vector<usint> bsgsDim = {0, 0};
cryptoContext->EvalBootstrapSetup(levelBudget, bsgsDim, numSlots);
auto keyPair = cryptoContext->KeyGen();
cryptoContext->EvalBootstrapKeyGen(keyPair.secretKey, numSlots);
Plaintext plaintext = cryptoContext->MakeCKKSPackedPlaintext(values,1,29,nullptr, numSlots);
auto cipher = cryptoContext->Encrypt(keyPair.publicKey, plaintext);
log(keyPair,"=======Input======", cipher, numSlots);
cipher = cryptoContext->EvalBootstrap(cipher);
log(keyPair,"=======After Bootstrap======", cipher, numSlots);
auto fn = [](double x) -> double {
if (x > 0.00001) return .5;
else return 0;
cipher = cryptoContext->EvalChebyshevFunction(
log(keyPair,"=======First EvalChebyshevFunction======", cipher, numSlots);
cipher = cryptoContext->EvalChebyshevFunction(
log(keyPair,"=======Second EvalChebyshevFunction======", cipher, numSlots);
return 0;
This is my output:
CKKS scheme is using ring dimension 8192
remaining level:30
logstd= 7.57681 > 47 (stddev) 190.919
(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -2.56323e-13, 1.0586e-13, -6.29496e-14, 2.42223e-13, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, ... ); Estimated precision: 41 bits
=======After Bootstrap======
remaining level:37
logstd= 34.6272 > 47 (stddev) 2.65358e+10
(-0.500091, -0.500057, -0.500078, -0.50001, -1.73649e-05, 2.52282e-05, -8.12387e-05, -1.41845e-05, 0.100004, 0.099962, 0.0999808, 0.0999734, 0.500043, 0.500054, 0.500038, 0.499977, ... ); Estimated precision: 14 bits
=======First EvalChebyshevFunction======
remaining level:26
logstd= 41.8902 > 47 (stddev) 4.07581e+12
(0.000188768, 0.00399775, 0.00470639, -0.0069619, 0.240097, 0.262608, 0.243547, 0.249906, 0.512721, 0.502465, 0.503065, 0.504301, 0.49773, 0.507258, 0.503919, 0.501146, ... ); Estimated precision: 7 bits
=======Second EvalChebyshevFunction======
remaining level:15
logstd= 152.012 > 47 (stddev) 5.75654e+45
(2.186e+30, -2.1376e+30, 3.3977e+30, -7.37699e+30, 1.94446e+31, 7.03397e+30, 1.33626e+31, -8.6772e+30, 1.60981e+31, 5.35571e+30, 1.27029e+30, 8.23277e+30, 3.66217e+30, -1.24086e+31, -6.18034e+30, 3.32868e+30, ... ); Estimated precision: -103 bits