Hey everyone, I have just installed OpenFHE (1.1.3+) on my PC. I followed the tutorial to install it on linux (Ubuntu 20.04.6). Everything worked well, I tried “testall” and many of the examples without any errors.
After this, I went for the Python wrapper (building it from source, no docker, no Conda either). I made sure I fulfilled the requirements (Pybind11, I have Python 3.8.10).
Now, the cmake command went well, except for a couple of warnings which I assumed were not that important, since they remarked “only for project developers”. However, afterwards, the “make” command gives me some errors in the bindings. I attach screenshot of the command I used and the output.
For cmake, I used first “cmake …” with no options. Then I tried “cmake … -DOpenFHE_DIR=/usr/lib/local/OpenFHE”, with same result in “make” afterwards.
Can anybody tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance!
@hectorvr14 It is a known issue. A fix to it will be available in the next release of OpenFHE (v1.2.1). Meanwhile, I would recommend using OpenFHE’s dev branch instead of the main branch, as the fix is available in dev only.
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Thanks very much for your response. Now, I’ve removed the repo from my local machine and cloned the dev branch as you said. I’ve tried once again the steps, but this time, a new error pops up:
I assume there is an error with the flag “libiomp5”. I’ve checked my file system and I have found a libiomp5.so file in some locations. Is this error happening because I should locate the file somewhere else? If so, where?
Thanks again!
EDIT: Since I posted this, I’ve tried some things. If I don’t specify CC and CXX once again, as I had to do to install OpenFHE, they will take gcc and g++, version 9.4.0 in my case, as the C/C++ compilers. In that case, this error appears. However, if I specify once again those variables, changing to clang (I’ve tried versions 10 and 11), the original errors pop up, even after cloning only the dev branch.
@hectorvr14 Hi, it must be your environment as i can not replicate this error