I have built openFHE on my system and I am trying to run the example: ./build/bin/examples/binfhe/boolean-serial-binary. However, I am getting a Segmentation Fault once the actual computation on the ciphertext begins.
Here is the output of the above command:
Generating keys.
Done generating all keys.
The cryptocontext has been serialized.
The refreshing key has been serialized.
The key switching key has been serialized.
The secret key sk1 key been serialized.
A ciphertext has been serialized.
The cryptocontext has been deserialized.
The refresh key has been deserialized.
The switching key has been deserialized.
The secret key has been deserialized.
The ciphertext has been deserialized.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Also, how much memory does your system have. Serialization/Deserialization are not very memory efficient (though BinFHE has somewhat smaller memory requirements), and if you run out of system memory, you can segfault.