Serialization and Deserialization

Hi, I’m using Openfhe-Python, I serialized a list of ciphertext to a file, how do I deserialize that file to return the list because when I deserialize, it returns only one ciphertext, and also how can I serialize different ciphertext from a list to a file and vice versa

Hi @Nicol,

I am not sure I fully understand your question. Are you referring to a list of ciphertexts, i.e., multiple ciphertexts?

In this case, you can do a serialization and deserialization in a loop, and write each file with a different name, e.g., add an index as a suffix, e.g., ciphertext-1.txt, ciphertext-2.txt, etc. There is nothing specific to OpenFHE in this case, you can simply use Python loops.

Done that, thank you. Can division be done in the BFV Scheme

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