Serialization Overhead

Screenshot 2568-02-11 at 11.21.23 PM

Is it normal that the size is much larger after serialize an encrypted data?
Am I doing anything wrong?

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You are probably printing the size of a pointer rather than the data itself. Ciphertext in OpenFHE C++ is a pointer.

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Is the size of the serialized data normal?

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Could you specify the crypto parameters such as the ring dimension, multiplicative depth, and scaling technique?

Also confirm the size unit here (Bytes, KB, or … )?

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Hi, I’m in the same senior project group as @kanjanarat
To specify the crypto parameters in createCKKS(multDepth, scaleModSize, firstModSize, ringDim, batchSize):

the parameters are 17 50 60 8192 1

Serialize(Text) is return a bytes object. So, I think len(tmp) should returns the number of Bytes.

A freshly encrypted CKKS ciphertext size (in bytes), using OpenFHE 64-bit build which is the default build, can be estimated as follows:

bytes = 2*N*(d+1)*8

where N denotes the ring dimension and d denotes the multiplicative depth.

Note that if you use the default scaling technique FLEXIBLEAUTOEXT, the “+1” part in the above equation becomes “+2”.

So, for your case:
bytes = 2*8192*18*8 = 2359296 which is sort of close to what your code returns. So the size of the serialized data looks normal to me.


Thank you so so much!!