Hello all,
I am trying to get a grasp on how model parameters play together with security levels. So I have a key generation main-file, with which I can play around. I am now curious why my parameters with
multDepth = 6
scalModsSize = 25
firstModSize = 30
ringDim = 8192
do not comply with 128 bit security. As it states here if I want to have that security with the desired ring dimension \log (q) should be lower than 220. But for this example it is:
\log (q) \approx 199.893
if I get q via the method context->GetModulus()
. I also watched this talk where it says that Pallisade calculates q automatically, but how does it or rather OpenFHE now do it?
(edit) I am using CKKS
Thanks in advance and cheers