Approximation of square root without chebyshev interpolation

Hi guys,
I was searching for algorithms to approximate the square root without using Chebyshev interpolation.
I want to show you my code for implementing the algorithm from Section 3.2. It approximates the square root of values in an encrypted vector. Maybe this can also be helpful for you.

Here is my code for this algorithm:

    auto ct_a = ct_input; // make sure to scale down your input values if necessary to meet the condition 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,
    auto ct_b = cc->EvalSub(ct_a, 1);

    int d = 7; // you need to play around with this to reach your required precision. A higher d consumes more levels!
    for (int n = 0; n < d; n++) {
        auto ct1 = cc->EvalSub(1, cc->EvalMult(ct_b, 0.5));
        ct_a = cc->EvalMult(ct_a, ct1);
        auto ct2 = cc->EvalMult(cc->EvalSub(ct_b, 3), 0.25);
        ct_b = cc->EvalMult(cc->EvalSquare(ct_b), ct2);

// Don't forget to scale back ct_a if you scaled it down

With this code i reach very good precision for my use case.


Remark: A tighter lower/upper bound on x requires less iterations.

Hi @DenisRed,

thank you for your insights.
As you are looking around for square root approximations without Chebyshev, I recommend looking into this paper.
It uses Newton’s method to approximate the function and is therefore not dependent on the range [0,1)

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Thanks for the recommendation, it’s very interesting! But I try to keep the multiplicative depth as low as possible. As your recommendation also says, the algorithm described above is the one with the lowest multiplicative depth.

Another question: Do you perhaps have a recommendation for comparing two vectors in CKKS (without changing the scheme)?

Thank you and Happy New Year!