I am trying to create object files out of OpenFHE codes, so that multiple such object files might be linked later to give a final executable. This is not possible with the build instructions mentioned in OpenFHE, where cmake is to be used and which generates executable directly after ‘make’.
This is the Makefile I created to try to get use.o from my use.cpp source code, and then, ‘use’ executable is got from use.o (Code in use.cpp is same as simple-integers.cpp) -
INC_openfhe = -I/usr/local/include/openfhe -I$(IN)/usr/local/include/openfhe/cereal -I$(IN)/usr/local/include/openfhe/pke -I$(IN)/usr/local/include/openfhe/core
OPT_openfhe = -Dopenfhe_VERSION=1.0.2 -fopenmp
all: use
g++ -g $(INC_openfhe) $(OPT_openfhe) -c use.cpp -o $@
use: use.o
g++ use.o -o use /usr/local/lib/libOPENFHEbinfhe.so.1.0.2 /usr/local/lib/libOPENFHEpke.so.1.0.2 /usr/local/lib/libOPENFHEcore.so.1.0.2
However, on running ‘make’, my ‘use.o’ is being created, but ‘use’ is not being created from use.o.
I am getting error, whose initial logs I am attaching in screenshot.
Line 95 in use.cpp(pointed in the error log) is- cryptoContext->EvalMultKeyGen(keyPair.secretKey);
How do I build my OpenFHE object files and later create executable from them?
Note that when I create a similar Makefile for a use.cpp that has Palisade code, use.o and use are built without errors-
INC_PALISADE = -I/usr/local/include/palisade -I$(IN)/usr/local/include/palisade/cereal -I$(IN)/usr/local/include/palisade/pke -I$(IN)/usr/local/include/palisade/core
all: use
g++ -g $(INC_PALISADE) $(OPT_PALISADE) -c use.cpp -o use.o
use: use.o
g++ use.o -o use /usr/local/lib/libPALISADEbinfhe.so.1.11.7 /usr/local/lib/libPALISADEpke.so.1.11.7 /usr/local/lib/libPALISADEcore.so.1.11.7