Several posts in the forum suggest using this lattice estimator to estimate the security level, but how do OpenFHE parameters relate with the ones in the estimator?
the dimension of the LWE sample vector (Z/qZ)^n.
the modulus of the space Z/qZ of integers the LWE samples are in.
the distribution on Z/qZ from which the LWE secret is drawn
the distribution on Z/qZ from which the error term is drawn
I assume n is BatchSize, q is ModSize, and Xs is related to SecretKeyDist? How can I extract the correct parameters from OpenFHE?
It does not seem right. According to Table 1 of, one can use n=2^{15} up to \log q = 881. Even more refined estimates using the latest lattice estimator (and MATZOV cost model) suggest one can use n=2^{15} up to \log q = 868. So I suspect you are not using the lattice estimator correctly. I am not an expert in the lattice estimator, but I typically specify the uniform ternary distribution not as Xs=estimator.nd.NoiseDistribution.UniformMod(3) but using Xs = ND.Uniform(-1,1,n) instead
I would run the test using the following command (I started it on my machine but it is taking too long - I will add it here if I get a result later).