How to use the head file in my CPP project under WSL?

By default, the library gets installed in /usr/local and openfhe.h will be in /usr/local/include/openfhe/pke/. So, please check if it is there. If it is not, then rerun “make install”. Most likely you would need the admin rights to install OpenFHE.
For your own example:

  1. make a new directory where you keep your own “lance_project.cpp” file.
  2. copy CMakeLists.User.txt from openfhe-development/ to the new directory and rename it to CMakeLists.txt
  3. Open CMakeLists.txt for editing and add a new line as it is suggested in the comments in the very end of CMakeLists.txt. Something like this:
    add_executable( test lance_project.cpp)
  4. make a new directory build and “cd build”
  5. and after that the procedure is very similar to building and running examples in OpenFHE:
  • cmake …
  • make
  • and, finally, run ./lance_project
    Good luck!