Installation Error


While installing on MacOS (Big Sur version 11.7) I had no errors until I reached the step when I had to run cmake … , after I got the following error (see attachment for more details)

CMake Error: The source directory “/Users/rkazmi” does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.

Any suggestions?



Hi @rkazmi ,

It looks like you are trying to run cmake in your user folder, not the build directory in the local copy of the repo. According to the MacOS instructions, you should clone the repo, then inside it create a directory build, change to the build directory, and then run cmake ..

Thanks so much. I was able to download it successfully. I am trying to compile some of the examples provided in the src folder. However, I am getting the following error:

MacBook-Air:examples rkazmi$ g++ -o ./linearwsum-evaluation ./linearwsum-evaluation.cpp

./linearwsum-evaluation.cpp:38:10: fatal error: ‘openfhe.h’ file not found

I can run the executables you have provided, but I am unable to compile by myself.



Please follow the instructions at Installation — OpenFHE documentation, i.e., run the examples from the build folder