I installed the library according to the instructions in the documentation. And I ran into two problems.
The library was installed in the Home directory.
When using command
sudo make install
Everything happens fine, but when I try to build a custom project, the following error appears
./test: error while loading shared libraries: libOPENFHEbinfhe.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
If you use the command
make install
Then this error is thrown at the very end
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:46 (file):
file INSTALL cannot set permissions on
"/usr/local/include/openfhe/core/config_core.h": Operation not permitted.
You can also use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX during the install top control where OpenFHE gets installed, as mentioned in the installation instructions. See CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX — CMake 3.29.0-rc1 Documentation for more details
I found an error, but I don’t understand how to fix it. While executing the command, you can see this line.
Set non-toolchain portion of runtime path of "/usr/local/lib/libOPENFHEpke.so.1.1.2" to ""
It is precisely this file that the user project cannot find a link to. I tried downloading the library again - it didn’t help.
So I checked previous versions. Runs on version 1.1.0. All dependencies are installed. Custom projects work.
@Reaneling Hi, I do not get any error linking my own (user) application with the openfhe1.1.2 libraries installed in the default location. i can try this again if you could provide your step-by-step instructions how to replicate the issue.
you will get “LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/” as the LD_LIBRARY_PATH value as the variable gets completely overwritten. The correct way of adding a new path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH is